Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Washington Square Village Sasaki Garden Plants

London planetrees
November is a lovely time to visit our garden, when the plants are wearing and shedding their ever-changing autumn shades.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Public Open Space in NYU 2031

According to a NYU 2031 comparative diagram of existing vs. proposed public open space, pictured below, the WSV Sasaki Garden is not considered public open space.  Also, the Garden is not listed in the POPS (Privately Owned Public Open Space) maintained at http://www.nyc.gov/html/dcp/html/pops/pops_inventory.shtml.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Let Us Know What You Are Seeing in the Garden

American Robin, Turdus migratorius (image courtesy of Hubert J. Steed, source)
Did you see a male robin?  A female cardinal? A monarch butterfly?  An opened bud on the dogwood or hawthorns?  Let us know what you are seeing in the Garden by leaving a comment.  Thank you!

I Visit the WSV Sasaki Garden Because...

...my child likes to watch the birds, to search for centipedes and earthworms, to play, and to talk with other garden users.

Why do YOU visit the WSV Sasaki Garden?  Please tell us by writing a comment.

Monday, November 21, 2011

NYU 2031 Phasing Diagrams at NYU Open House

Updates to the NYU 2031 plan phasing schedule can be viewed at the NYU Open House Space which is located at 528 LaGuardia Place.  The Open House Space is open on Mon, Wed, Fri - Noon to 5 PM; Tues, Thurs - 2 PM to 7 PM; and Sat, Sun: 1 PM to 4 PM.  The phasing diagrams are also available online here.

Thanksgiving Holiday

Best wishes for a gratifying and thankful Thanksgiving Holiday!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

ULURP for NYU 2031 Will Begin in Janaury 2012

NYU 2031 proposed buildings for the North and South blocks (image courtesy of Hubert J. Steed, source)

Both NYU and Community Action Alliance on NYU (CAAN) 2031 have reported that the ULURP (Uniformed Land Use Review Procedure) for NYU 2031 will commence in January 2031.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Loss of Quality of Life

Key Park Playground looking west towards WSV Sasaki Garden (courtesy of Hubert J. Steed)
In a few months,  I'll be 76 years old.  In 1966, I came to live and work in NYC.  I was hired to develop the payroll and associated personnel and financial  systems for new computing equipment at Columbia University.  I signed a two year lease in a studio apartment a couple of blocks from the main campus of Columbia University.