Monday, July 16, 2012

TODAY July 16th Phone Zap

Per GVSHP, call City Councilmembers TODAY, July 16th to urge them to vote 'NO' on the NYU plan.  Phone numbers and a script are HERE and printed below.

Your own City Councilmember — search below for contact info or CLICK HERE if you don’t know who your Councilmember's name.

SAMPLE SCRIPT: “My name is _________ and I am calling because I am strongly opposed to the NYU expansion plan the City Council will be voting on. Who should I speak to about this?

(if any office says the Councilmember will vote ‘NO,’ thank them for his/her support, and call the next one)

I strongly urge the Councilmember to vote ‘NO’ on the NYU plan and send it back to the drawing board (if this is your Councilmember, say so here). I am opposed to any public park space being sold off to NYU. I am opposed to any upzoning of the neighborhood to allow additional development by NYU where it does not belong. I am opposed to breaking any urban renewal agreements that govern how the land NYU now owns can be used. NYU’s neighbors, its faculty, and its staff are all united in opposing this plan. NYU has not listened to any of us, has not demonstrated the need for locating these facilities here, and has not explored alternatives. The only right thing for the Council to do is vote the NYU plan down.”


Councilmember Margaret Chin: 212-587-3159

City Council Speaker Christine Quinn: 212-788-7210

Councilmember Rosie Mendez: 212-677-1077

Zoning Subcommittee Chair Mark Weprin: 718-468-0137

Land Use Committee Chair Leroy Comrie: 212-788-7084

Councilmember Daniel Garodnick : 212-788-7393

Councilmember Jessica Lappin: 212-980-1808

Councilmember Robert Jackson: 212-928-1322

Councilmember Inez Dickens: 212-788-7397 or 212-788-7398

Councilmember Brad Lander: 718-499-1090

Councilmember Stephen Levin: 718-875-5200 or 212-788-7348

Councilmember Jumaane Williams: 718-629-2900

Councilmember Diana Reyna: 718-963-3141

Councilmember Joel Rivera: 718-842-8100

Councilmember Albert Vann: 212-788-7354

Councilmember Charles Barron: 718-649-9495 (if they say he will vote ‘NO,’ thank him for his support)

Councilmember Sara Gonzalez: 718-439-9012

Councilmember James Vacca: 718-931-1721

Councilmember Maria Del Carmen Arroyo: 718-402-6130

Councilmember Peter Koo: 718-888-8747

Councilmember Annabel Palma: 718-792-1140

Councilmember James Sanders: 718-527-4356

Councilmember Larry Seabrook: 718-994-9900

Councilmember Daniel Halloran: 718-631-6703

Councilmember Vincent Ignizio: 718-984-5151

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